Miks ma jään alatiseks veganiks

Eelmisel aastal ilmus üks ääretult inspireeriv raamat – „Why I will ALWAYS be vegan“. See koosneb 125 esseest, mille on kirjutanud veganid üle maailma. Nagu pealkiri ütleb, räägitakse seal sellest, miks on inimesed otsustanud veganiks hakata ja veganiks jääda. See raamat on iga vegani parim kaaslane, kõik sealsed esseed on tõeliselt innustavad ja ilusad, taastades usku maailma ja inimeste headusesse. Raamatu võib suvalise koha pealt avada ning hea tuju on koheselt garanteeritud.


Juhtus nii, et seal ilmus ka minu esssee (ja üks Eesti vegan on seal veel esindatud). Postitan selle siia. Samas võin julgelt väita, et see pole üldsegi parimate tekstide seas, mis raamatus ilmusid, seal on palju-palju toredamaid ja kaunimaid tekste. Kirjutasin selle kiiruga ja viimasel hetkel, kui esseekonkursi tähtaeg oli juba ukse ees.

Why I will always be vegan

It´s actually quite simple – I will always be vegan because it´s the right thing to do. It´s not necessary to use animals and eat animals or animal products nor is it morally justified.

Veganism is not about one´s personal health or well-being. Of course vegans should eat healthy, and plant-based diet is very healthy, but this should not be the sole purpose of ditching animal products. And it´s not only about compassion to animals either. You don´t have to be an animal lover to be a vegan. I am not. Yes, animals are cute and all that, but we should just leave them be, where necessary help them but otherwise just let them live their own lives, not use them, not exploit them, not kill them.

It´s about making the connection and realizing that your actions and your choices make a difference, and that you are directly responsible for killing of thousands of innocent beings, and contribute to suffering of many more. For me it´s about non-violence. Imagine a world where all forms of violence are looked upon as extreme. Sadly, today we live in a world where violence is considered normal and natural. We might think that Western society has almost abolished violence, that we live in a liberal society where lives matter and where equality is seen as a basic right. Well, think again, open your eyes and go vegan! It will be the best decision of your life!”


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4 Comments Add yours

  1. u-creation ütles:

    seda ma ei teadnud, et seal ka eestikaid on. väga äge!
    see raamat peaks juba olema uk’st minu poole teel.. ootan väga!
    aitäh, ma olen üldse saanud Sinult väga palju kasulikke teadmisi, soovitusi, lugemist, nippe..


    1. Aitäh heade sõnade eest! 🙂 Loodan, et raamat pakub palju inspiratsiooni.


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